I started my new life with my present humans (H) when I was around 10 weeks old. I have to say, I was very nervous at first in my new surroundings. I'd hide out of reach under the sofa, this lasted for a few days, I wouldn't go near either of my new humans. Never having had much interaction with any before moving to my present home, only with another lady in a rather peculiar smelling house along with her funny cat (a Siamese, I hasten to add), my mum, brothers & sisters who all one by one disappeared, which left me feeling a little sad. So moving to my new home, took me a few days to settle in. However, it was play that helped me bond with my new companions, the usual stalk, jump, & my personal favourite, catch and kill the hand. The final clinch to friendship was jumping on her gut on all fours, (I found H's weakness), I began to think "hmm this human isn't so bad," and ever since we have been firm friends - on my terms you understand. At this time the human had an elderly cat, but she was no fun. The more I grew the more playful I got with her, (I can see some would view it as harassment), not fair on the elderly cat and assured it was not mine. (H) worked hard at keeping us apart, in hind sight I don't think H would have adopted me with such an elderly queen. Sadly the old cat died not long after I arrived, she'd reached a grand old age of 20, which in cat years is about 96, give or take a few years.
Now I had run of the whole house and two humans all to myself. This however did not last long, Marsbar turned up & not unlike athletes foot, he was really rather irritating and hard to get rid of. Not being from the same litter I found it hard to accept him (it is my gaff) & even to this day I struggle with him in my territory but on the whole we do get on - he's tolerated. You see the difference between me and Marsbar, he's a very friendly, outgoing, snuggly, cuddly, ray of sunshine. I, on the other hand am much more aloof, I am Alpha Male, a one person cat and I certainly don't do cuddles or even tolerate (for any amount of time) being picked up. Belly rubs are fine though, as and when I need them. Oh! and he meows a lot. Attention seeker if you ask me.
Cat Fact
When a cat feels the need to rub your legs they're rubbing scent onto you, marking their territory if you like, a way of saying "that be mine", but usually it's more a "I want something - now". Or maybe it's just their way of saying I love you.
Till next time...