Thursday, 27 February 2014

Thoughts of a Meditator

Meditation for cats is vitally important, it helps us gather our thoughts, clear our minds, reflect on the oncoming day, and plan our tactics of our next hunting spree; don't you just love it when we leave all those body parts on your doorstep?

For a cat, the beginning of every day (including weekends) are our thoughts on breakfast; which is maybe why it's a good idea to lock us out of your bedrooms.   Yes we can be warm and furry, but if you want a full nights sleep, you will be up at the crack of dawn unless you shut us out.  My favourite tactic for awakening the dead is a bit of door banging for a prolonged period of time and have been known to keep this up for a couple of hours, that's unless I manage to open the door.  Of course it's every owners obligation to feed us, only with good cat food - purrlease!  Followed by our first constitutional of the day, whereupon we can be out (weather permitting) for a few minutes or a few hours.  In this first outing we do our rounds, marking our territory, spots of sunbathing, birdwatching, climbing, snake hunting, mouse catching, catching up with the locals (other cats), of course if it's raining it's a quick shit in a hedge & a dash back to the house without ruining the fur.

First stage

This first stage of meditation usually starts with a little yoga, some  positions are a little   unflattering but needs must, starting with a cat pose   leading to a more flattering pose the 'corpse pose'.

                                               Corpse Pose (Moi).

Second stage

of our daily meditation... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

      ...momentary lapse in concentration but a good time to change sides...

Third stage

By now it's around 4pm, and shall begin pestering you for food, your legs are beautiful!

Thank you for taking the time to read my deep thoughts on meditation, until next time...