Thursday, 27 March 2014

Feline Friend

I'm writing a poem,
A dedication to my cat,
Who's extremely proud
& getting fat.

She's black & she's white,
With pink padded paw's
& when we cuddle,
She'll knead with her claws.

No longer a kitten,
But a feline of leisure,
Has funny odd moment's,
In my memory I treasure.

Awakes me at morning,
Sitting on the flat of my back,
Meowing politely for breakfast, 
A nice fishy snack.

A once nimble creature,
With really good balance,
Approaching her ninth life,
No longer swings
on the valance.

Sometimes she's hidden 
in the oddest of places,
It's just natural cat instinct 
to be so curious,
Then I'll playfully tease her
till she swishes her tail,
making her incessantly furious.

Irritations forgotten, 
she'll sit on my lap.
I tickle her chin 
and scratch her back,
To the soft mellow sound
of her purring.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Psycho Killer Cat

My human has lately become a little perturbed by my fellow feline and has begun to call him psycho killer cat.  What ever can she mean?  Surely she must know that as cat's we cannot tolerate such things as mice and rat's -  freaks out when we chase them round the garden, seems quite distressed with the squealing the little blighters make - we find it fun!  She caught Marsbar & I tossing one around the garden a few days ago, came out flapping her arms all about the place.  Fair play to him he wouldn't give up his plaything so easily, but humans are a lot bigger and holding onto him prising his mouth open to reluctantly let the poor creature go, still alive the vermin managed to run to safety.

The face of a psycho killer cat (butter wouldn't melt).

In the face of it, it is just natural instinct for cat's to find prey, it's in our blood.  The Egyptians thousands of years ago cottoned onto our hunting skills and used us to there advantage by domesticating us to save their crops from rats and mice, they even mummified us for the afterlife, we were seen as a symbol of grace and poise.  

Snooze time, till next time...